WEDNESDAY, May 01, 2024

AIS injects 5G into virus-battling robot medics

AIS injects 5G into virus-battling robot medics

Robots and 5G technology will join Thailand’s efforts to contain the Covid-19 crisis in a joint undertaking by Advanced Info Service (AIS) and the faculties of Engineering and Medicine at Chulalongkorn University.

AIS said on Wednesday (March 4) it would use its 5G service to enhance the capabilities of the medical robots invented and developed by Professors Viboon Sangveraphunsiri of the school’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and Supot Teachavorasinskun, dean of Engineering.
The robots monitor symptoms among people suspected of being infected and actually tend to those confirmed as infected.
They allow doctors to interact with patients without physical contact or close proximity. With the emergence of Covid-19, they were modified to help doctors and nurses take care of people infected or suspected of infection, greatly lowering risk for medical personnel.
The two robots are monitoring the situation at Rajavithi Hospital, three at Nopparat Hospital and one at the Central Chest Institute of Thailand.
The robots serve as agents between doctors and patients, communicating by high-resolution video that lets the doctors estimate risk and sharpen diagnoses.
They convey vital signs such as blood pressure, heart and pulse rate and body temperature.
