MONDAY, April 29, 2024

Low-quality rice glut on the horizon

Low-quality rice glut on the horizon

Re: "Rice policy a losing war", Letters February 19.


In my reply to Vint Chavala’s letter you graciously published, there was some editing, which is of course fine in every regard, but, just as a matter of clarity and correction, there was a reference to the “GRF” (great rice fiasco) without the explanatory reference. It must have thus been mysterious to the reader, since this is simply a creative acronym of my own design.
GRF should soon be a byword in the Thai psyche and vocabulary, as much as “Hopewell” has become, and a symbol for failed populism under the current administration, of which it is clear to see – to most who disapprove of this waste of grand proportions.
It is also important to realise that, now that it has amassed the world’s largest rice stockpile in history, any attempt to sell it will surely create a glut on the low-quality export market and push prices further down, so I wish them well with that.
This is a doomed venture by a semi-delusional fugitive. Surely he would never have amassed such a huge fortune playing so foolishly with his own investments. And it’s incredibly ironic that he cares so little for his beloved constituents who vote so faithfully for just such massive handouts, regardless of the overall effects on the greater good.
Better Get Used to It