FRIDAY, April 26, 2024

We need respectful, reasoned dialogue. Instead we have a law against it 

We need respectful, reasoned dialogue. Instead we have a law against it 

Re; “Jeff Sessions has a point about free speech”, Bloomberg, September 28.

The opinion piece notes that, “Respectful and reasoned dialogue is essential in a democratic society, and its survival depends on leaders – inside and outside government – who will vigorously and unflinchingly defend the rights of speakers with unpopular viewpoints.”
I suggest that the need for such dialogue is as vital in Thailand as it is in the US – otherwise, we will be ruled by the emotions of the moment, be they for good or ill. 
Yet, such discussion and debate are not only lacking, they are forbidden under penalty of law in Thailand, for the sake of “law and order”. Thus we are being marched in lock-step to a 20-year plan which we have neither thoroughly discussed nor agreed upon, crafted by an institution that’s given us 19 failed constitutions and zero successful ones. Why do I fear disaster looming?
Burin Kantabutra
