SUNDAY, April 28, 2024

Fine wine and friendly chat, but… am I invited?

Fine wine and friendly chat, but… am I invited?

Re: “How about some fine wine and friendly chat, Have You Sayers?” Have You Say, January 5.

I admire Egon for taking time off from his usual acerbic diatribes to propose a get-together, but I fear that his trial balloon, like the Bt350 million military airship, will never fly. I, too, extended an olive branch to Have Your Sayers on December 26, only to have the branch seized from my hand two days later by Dr Frank who proceeded to beat me over the head with it.
However, it is not clear whether I would be invited. Egon says that “Messrs Wilcox, Pike and there ilk ... would be banished for failing to accept that discussion is not possible” with people of our beliefs. And thus Egon’s friendly mask of false bonhomie slips to reveal the snarling liberal-fascist Rottweiler beneath, the bigot who will brook no dissension from any quarter that does not accord with his own perverted worldview, the censor who would applaud the efforts of Western governments in criminalising free speech and intimidating all who dare expose their treasonous attempts to impose the New World Order on their hapless populations.
But enough of this banter! The prospect of some fine wine is always attractive, and if he is sincere, I would certainly not turn down a splendid opportunity to continue my life’s mission. This is to guide the likes of Egon, Dr Frank, Ordsall, Zarke and Bahrt towards righteous thought, enlightenment and meat.
Nigel Pike
Phang Nga 
