FRIDAY, April 26, 2024

Racist? Not me! 

Racist? Not me! 

Re: “An Englishman abroad lapses into intolerance and bigotry” and “Care to explain your racist slur against the Irish?”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

Racist! How often is this much-abused word, so beloved of the social justice warrior, freely and falsely applied to denigrate those who hold conservative views, such as my absolutely non-racist self? I would be delighted to accept Ordsall’s invitation to meet him in Bangkok. I will arm myself with a dictionary and a couple of pints of Guinness, and educate him that my so-called “disgusting racism” is a figment of his tortured liberal imagination. Irish bog-trotters, English Tommies, Welsh Taffies and Scottish Jocks – we all belong to the same Caucasoid race. And for the record, it was the Irishman Dr Frank who referred to himself as a “bog-trotter”, not me. No racism here, let’s all love each other and move on.
Nigel Pike
Phang Nga
