SATURDAY, April 27, 2024

Little sympathy for foreigners rounded up in police raids

Little sympathy for foreigners rounded up in police raids

Re: “50 foreigners arrested in weekly crackdowns”, News, June 16.

I have no problem with them rounding up these illegals considering the ridiculous hoops I have to jump through to actually be legal on every front to live/work here.
Nothing wrong with countries policing their borders and regulating access to their societies as they see fit. Thailand does not benefit from having such people here as it’s not as if they are contributing, paying tax, bringing money in from outside the country.
Sir Dude

Good job, Thai police. Throw them in jail and, after a year or so, deport them. Somebody in this world has to stand strong against illegals in their countries. Canada and America and all of Europe are not doing it.

When they catch these people, what do they do with them? Every which way it’s going to cost the government money – putting them in detention centres, sending them to jail or deporting them. They don’t qualify to go to other countries and no one wants them, so I guess Thailand is stuck with the problem.
Laws need to be enforced, but Thailand seems to enforce very few of them. This looks more like a shakedown than anything admirable. Countless Thais die on the roads every day. This is where enforcement is needed.
Yellow Boat

There’s a legal process for immigration. Cheaters should be returned and barred from entry. 

 Good job by the immigration police. If you are here on overstay, you’re in big trouble and should be worried. 

There must be thousands of illegal immigrants in Thailand and if you arrested them all Thailand would probably grind to a h alt. Garbage wouldn’t get collected, crops wouldn’t be harvested, construction wouldn't get completed, gas stations would be short staffed and so on.
Now what do you do arrest them all or arrest none? You can't just arrest a few to make headlines. 
Thai Visa
