SUNDAY, April 28, 2024

If you heard a child being tortured next door, would you politely knock?

If you heard a child being tortured next door, would you politely knock?

Re: “Animal rights activists sometimes happy to violate human rights”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

Here we go again! This is PETA’s position on pets: breeding dogs and cats leads to terrible animal suffering in puppy mills and ultimately also leads to the stray dog and cat problem.
Therefore they urge people to get their dogs and cats from shelters or take them in from the streets. And get them neutered. Please, dear readers, Google: “PETA’s position on pets”, before Robin Grant distorts their position any further.
The Animal Liberation Front only destroys property that is used to torture animals. They don’t kill people. Peter Singer, who wrote the book “Animal Liberation”, once asked this pertinent question: Would it have been wrong if people had destroyed the equipment that was used to kill millions of people in Hitler’s concentration camps? Is property more valuable than life – human or animal?
Finally, Mr Grant claims I called him cruel simply because he eats meat. Not true, since I also noted that he defends elephant abuse (elephant riding), fox hunting and, may I add, seal hunting – which involves clubbing baby seals to death.
Every letter by this man is a denial of his previous letter.
The question isn’t, do you agree with PETA’s tactics, but, do we have a moral right to torture tens of billions of animals, who can suffer as much as we can, for no other reason than that they were born into a different species. Grant and the other defenders of animal cruelty are too cowardly to address that question.
Eric Bahrt
Chiang Mai
