MONDAY, April 29, 2024

For China, dictatorship is a necessary but temporary solution 

For China, dictatorship is a necessary but temporary solution 

Re: “What Beijing fears most? Freedom and true happiness”, Have Your Say, June 10.

Michael Setter must know that every country, not just China, fears the propaganda directed against it by other countries. Meanwhile the freedom he believes is fundamental is, in reality, only one aspect of happiness. 
Setter says he has visited China many times in the past. As an American, I wonder exactly what he was doing there, given that he is so anti-Chinese. 
As an American I also believe that the Chinese Communist Party, and China as a whole, fears being invaded again. To prevent future invasions, China must prepare militarily and avoid the divide-and-conquer situation that occurred during the time of Western intrusion. Sometimes dictatorship, though far from ideal, offers a solution. Eventually, as capitalism and the market economy gain ground, communist China will become totally capitalist.
Though I am interested in Setter’s views, due to medical issues I will not be able to continue this debate over the next month. I will, however, try to read The Nation daily until the printed version ends.
Sukhumvit Bill
