FRIDAY, April 26, 2024

Editorial was misleading 

Editorial was misleading 

Your editorial “World scorns Thai lies on rights, democracy” on 7 March is unfortunately misleading. One would expect that a newspaper of your standing would thoroughly verify all sources before proceeding to print.

Furthermore, while it is the right and responsibility of any free press to bring the government to test in areas where there are shortcomings, journalistic ethics would warrant that one should not resort to singling out in attacking public servants trying at best to serve the public interest. The harsh criticisms seem to reflect an impartial judgement of the government.
At this point, all sides should take the time to reflect and collaborate at this junction of political transition to bring about positive developments so that the government can work fully towards fulfilling the recommendations in the report. Although there are still some areas of concern, as the report stated, the government is still listening and responding to constructive criticism. The overall situation is improving and finding solutions that will promote harmony and encourage dialogue would only seem to be the right path to pursue amongst all stakeholders. 
Busadee Santipitaks
Director-General of Department of Information and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
