THURSDAY, April 25, 2024

Atheists bow to evidence, believers worship fairy tales

Atheists bow to evidence, believers worship fairy tales

Re: The debate on the existence of God 

Ye Olde Theologian claims “Arrogant atheists can learn a lot from believers” (March 1). I would like to add that modern physics offers a very plausible cause for the existence of our universe – read, among others, Lawrence M Krauss’s “A Universe From Nothing”. Moreover the existence of God has been thoroughly debunked in such works as Richard Dawkins’ “The God Delusion” and Victor Stenger’s “God, the Failed Hypothesis”.
The accusation of arrogance is far more valid when levelled at believers in fairy tales. I refer to those people who interpret the Bible literally and hold that the Earth was created 6,000 years ago (despite overwhelming evidence that our planet is about 14 billion years old). These people ban the teaching of Charles Darwin’s discoveries and, in the case of Muslims, anything that is not from the Koran, which they deem to be the direct word of Allah. In sharp contrast, atheists ground their opinions not on beliefs but on scientific fact and rationally consistent theories. As such atheists are also open to changing their opinion according to new evidence offered – unlike religious groups such as evangelicals in the United States, who believe only their opinions are eternally true, and dismiss or condemn any divergent opinion. Who is arrogant here?
