TUESDAY, April 16, 2024

"Rise Buddy" Rice Snack, a new brand for health

"Rise Buddy" Rice Snack, a new brand for health

Wide Faith Foods, the owner of delicious ideas for health, has prepared to serve new varieties of snack secrets for the first time in Thailand!!

With the phenomenon of thin crispy, delicious, healthy, accessible to the full flavor of Thai rice, "Rise Buddy", rice snack for health with a delicious, slim-style rice snack from 100 per cent Thai rice, without gluten-free rice, use baking methods instead of frying, making it crunchy and delicious without cholesterol and trans fats, mixed with fine seasoning from various raw materials selected from nature.
There are four flavors; Korean seaweed, lime and chili flavor, pizza flavor and teriyaki flavor.
It is available now at Gourmet Market, foodland, Tang Hua Seng, Tsuruha and other leading supermarkets nationwide.
