Recently, the company launched a new "Virtual Factory Visit Platform" by introducing the Ajinomoto "Kamphaeng Phet Factory" as the greenest factory model among the Ajinomoto Group of Companies in Thailand that allows everyone to visit in 360° through online and smart devices. This online program tour can offer the visitor an edutainment activity as it is "easy, fun, and enjoyable everywhere, every time," reflecting on our company’s image as a leading food company with an in-depth understanding of consumers' needs.
This new "Virtual Factory Visit Platform" is designed as one of the channels to promote environmental awareness through business activities that contribute to the environmental impacts. The exemplary showcases reflect effective management starting from the procurement of raw materials, the production of products, and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, alternative or renewable energy usage, waste management, and efficient use of water resources. In particular, the success of implementing biomass cogeneration technology instead of fossil fuels, which was able to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, a key driver of climate change and global warming.
The Ajinomoto Group aims to become a "solution-providing group of companies for food and health issues" by working to reduce environmental impacts by following "The Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value (ASV)" as a conceptual framework for the Ajinomoto Group's work worldwide.
Apart from this Green Factory, everyone can enjoy visiting other Ajinomoto’s factories via both onsite and online platforms through