Saudi airline may revive direct flights to Thailand in May


Direct flights between Saudi Arabia and Thailand could resume in May, Suttipong Kongpool, director of the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT), said on Wednesday.

He was responding to an announcement by Saudi Arabia Airlines, the national airline of Saudi Arabia, about resuming flights to Thailand in May.

Suttipong said the announcement by the airline was likely just advance information to interested passengers, however the airline has not yet applied for an official flight schedule.

The Saudi airline announced direct and regular flights. This is considered a revival of the route between the two countries, as Saudi Airlines has not flown regular flights to Thailand for over 30 years. The number of scheduled flights per week is still unknown.

“From the schedule announced by the airline to start flying in May 2022, it is considered the time for the summer flight schedule where CAAT has allocated flights. But we still find some slots available. If Saudi Airlines begins the process of requesting to fly in, I believe that it will be able to fly during the specified period,” Suttipong said.

In order to request a flight, the airline must:

 Apply for the right to fly as a Designated Airline through diplomatic channels.

 Request a flight slot

 Apply for an official flight permit