Thai public debt 41.8% of GDP at end-July


Thailand’s outstanding public debt stood at Bt6.22 trillion, or 41.83 per cent of gross domestic product, as of July 31, bond-market advisor Theeraj Athanavanich said on Monday.



The amount comprised Bt4.8 trillion of government debt, Bt967.65 billion of debt owed by state-owned enterprises (SOEs), Bt438.27 billion of government-guaranteed financial SOEs’ debt and Bt15.51 billion of other government agencies’ debt. 
Compared with the end of June, outstanding public debt had increased by Bt39.49 billion, he said.
Some 95.08 per cent of the total public debt, or Bt5.91 trillion, was domestic debt, with external debt accounting for the other Bt306.03 billion.
Classified by remaining maturity, long-term debt outstanding was Bt5.56 billion (89.4 per cent of total public debt) and short-term debt outstanding was Bt659.89 billion, he added.