Role of 5G stressed in industrial transformation


The 5G wireless broadband technology is key to the digital transformation of the industrial sector, said Wichian Premchaiswadi, vice chairman of the Digital Council of Thailand, on Wednesday (January 15).

For instance, factories can deploy 5G to boost the performance of machinery in the production process, he told a seminar on businesses key to economic growth this year, hosted by the Economic Reporters Association.
Speaking at a separate event, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) secretary-general Takorn Tantasith said the 5G spectrum auction on February 16 is expected to sell at least 25 licences with a total value of Bt54.65 billion.
Proceeds of the auction will be handed over to the state coffer.
The NBTC will call bids for 56 licences, combining 700MHz, 1800MHz, 2600MHz and 26GH bands, worth a total of Bt160.577 billion.
Five companies have picked up the bid document, including the three subsidiaries of True Corp, Advanced Info Service and Total Access Communication. The other two are TOT and CAT Telecom.