Govt eyes extradition of lese majeste suspects

FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015

JUSTICE Minister General Paiboon Khumchaya says |there are 30 lese majeste suspects living abroad. He |made the remark after chairing a meeting on lese majeste offences.

He said the government, through the Foreign Affairs Ministry, would seek to have the 30 extradited despite the fact some countries they reside are probably reluctant to do so, given the nature of the alleged offence.
The Justice minister said it should be made clear to those countries that lese majeste was not considered a political crime in Thailand but related to national security.
Paiboon believes the crackdown on online lese majeste offenders will become more effective as a new regulation will require smartphone users to register their personal details when receiving a SIM card. 
He said the number of websites blocked by the authorities had doubled.