Payall Group comes under govt scrutiny


The Commerce Ministry will investigate Payall Group after the company failed to submit an accounting report for its 2015 fiscal year.

The Bank of Thailand has filed a complaint with the Economic Crime Division accusing Payall Group and its president, well-known actor Rattapoom “Film” Tokhongsab, of operating e-money services without a proper licence.
Bangjongjitt Angsusingh, director-general of the Business Development Department, said Payall had registered with the department and held the Thailand Trust Mark for e-commerce businesses.
The department confirms the identity of e-commerce businesses whether they are individuals or entities that trade in goods or services by means of electronic media such as the Internet. This is to guarantee that such enterprises have a clear address and clean background so that consumers can trust them when making purchases.
Bangjongjitt said the department would check the company’s background to ensure that it has done business reliably.
She added that the department would also warn Payall Group over its delayed balance-sheet report for fiscal 2015, which should have been submitted by May 2016.
Under the Commerce Registration Law, a company must submit an accounting report every year or it will be subject to a fine of Bt12,000 to Bt50,000 within one year.
According to the department, Payall Group has submitted an accounting report every year since it registered in 2012, except for 2015. 
It had initial registered capital of Bt10 million.