Coffee-shop owner may face charges over saucy waitress post


Police are considering pressing charges against the owner of a coffee shop in Chon Buris Sattahip district, who allegedly posted a video clip and photos of two models wearing only an apron and underwear while serving coffee to customers.

The photos and video clip, meant as an advertisement to attract more visitors to the coffee shop, were widely shared on Thai social media with many criticising the move. 
Plu Ta Luang superintendent Pol Colonel Thanachai Usahakit said officers had already summoned the coffee shop owner and the models to report to police late on Sunday.
He said the image could be a violation to the Computer Act because the images were uploaded to a computer accessible by the public. Violations are punishable with a jail term of up to five years and/or a fine of up to Bt100,000. 
Shop owner Prasong Sukkorn said he posted the ad “with the intention to be sexy, not lewd or tarnishing to the society.” The 50-year-old owner of Coffee On Day near the Kasempol intersection in Tambon Plu Ta Luang, said the idea stemmed from an offer from a model to help promote the coffee shop in exchange for free coffee.
But, said Thanachai, “even though the owner said he had no ill intention and had already removed the clip and photos, the offence had already been committed.”