Third-year Kasetsart student jumps from eighth floor to death


A third-year student of Kasetsart University fell to her death from the eighth floor of a campus building early on Wednesday.

Bang Khen police station was alerted at 4.30am that a 21-year-old student of the Faculty of Business Administration had been found dead outside a 10-storey building at the Bang Khen campus.
A group of early-bird students studying ahead of a morning exam heard a loud noise, checked the area and found the body.
The victim was wearing a student uniform but no shoes. Police found her sandals, a bottle of drinking water and her bag on a balcony on the eighth floor.
She had left a note in her mobile phone for her father, apologising and saying she was not strong enough. Attached to the note, which was written at 7.07pm on Tuesday, were the mobile phone numbers of her parents.
The body was sent for autopsy at Bhumibol Hospital.
Security guards said the building was normally closed at 8pm so the student may have hidden inside since Tuesday evening.