Tak furniture factory destroyed in blaze

THURSDAY, MAY 09, 2019

A huge fire swept through a furniture factory near the border in Tak’s Mae Sot district early on Thursday, damaging huge piles of processed wood and wooden furniture.

Police said the fire started in the factory's sawmill and spread to the furniture factory.
At the height of the blaze flames were about 10 metres high and could be clearly seen from the Thai and Myanmar sides of the border.
When the fire started, local villagers and workers tried to put out the blaze but strong winds caused the fire to spread quickly.
The villagers and workers helped to save some of the furniture.
Ten fire engines were brought in to tackle the flames. The blaze destroyed the entire warehouse and about half of the furniture was destroyed.
No one was injured in the blaze.
Nongkran Mungtun, 61, the owner of the factory, said the factory has been operating for many years. She said workers who stayed in living quarters smelled fumes and found that the fire started in the sawmill section.
An investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of the fire.