Governors told to track returnees by app

FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

The Interior Ministry has told all provincial governors to use the “AOT Airports” application to track everyone returning home from Bangkok and vicinity, where the vast majority of Covid-19 infections in Thailand have occurred, and from at-risk overseas locales.

Permanent secretary Chatchai Promlert told governors to have district offices inform sub-district chiefs, village headman and municipal authorities to monitor everyone who’s been in the capital and metropolitan area since March 6 onwards, or overseas.
Special attention should be paid to those who’ve had contact with confirmed carriers of the virus, he said.
Chatchai ordered the governors to have community leaders ask returnees to install “AOT Airports” on their phones so their whereabouts can be tracked and, should it indicate they are “missing”, to follow guidelines on what to do next.