Thai Chamber of Commerce floats phased lockdown lift


The Thai Chamber of Commerce is preparing to deliver its plan to lift the lockdown to the government.

Chamber chairman Kalin Sarasin said his team has drafted a blueprint to reopen venues and businesses gradually according to the risk level of zones where they are located. The zones are divided into a “traffic light” arrangement – green, yellow and red – with red signalling the highest level of Covid-19 transmission.
“The green zone covers those areas where no virus cases or infections have been found, [so businesses can reopen there] while the red zone indicates Covid19 hotspots where businesses must stay closed,” said Kalin.
In addition, businesses would be urged to download the “Mor Chana” (winning doctor) mobile app, which tracks individuals who have been exposed to infectious cases.
The app can be used to check on local levels of possible Covid-19 infection.
Kalin’s team emphasised that businesses poised to reopen must have effective measures to deal with Covid-19, including for social distancing among customers and staff. The businesses must also be capable of controlling the behaviour of their customers.
Restaurants must set tables and chairs apart and limit the number of customers at any one time. Cooks and waiting staff must also wear protective gear such as face masks.
“However, crowded businesses such as boxing stadiums should remain closed,” Kalin added.
This proposal will be sent to the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration on April 20 for proposal to the Cabinet on April 21 (next Tuesday).