Pro-democracy protester reveals intimidation by royalists at restaurant


Prominent protester Chonthicha Jangrew was intimidated by royalists in a restaurant and had to call the police.

On Sunday, the protester posted on her Facebook page that a group of royalists had threatened her and her friends while they were having dinner in a restaurant.
Chonthicha said that the royalists left their table and approached her and her friends.
“They shouted obscenities, and also forced me to leave the restaurant with them,” she added.
She confessed that the situation shocked her. However, she was conscious enough to call the deputy commissioner of Chanasongkram Police Station, asking for assistance.
Police arrived quickly at the restaurant and calmed the situation down.
Chonticha added that the intimidators did not apologise for their behaviour, so the protesters later filed a case at the police station.
Suuming up her post, Chonticha said that it was acceptable to cheer different political sides, but “do not claim loyalty for the monarchy as a permission to start a brawl with other people”.