Bangkok ready to provide over 350,000 doses of Astra Zeneca vaccine

FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2021

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) reported on Thursday that it had been allocated 35,000 vials of AstraZeneca vaccine by the government to be provided to people in a priority group and to general public whose jabs had been delayed.

The priority group includes people who have severe chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease in stage 5 and above, cerebrovascular disease, all cancers during chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy, diabetes and obesity with weight more than 100kg or body mass index greater than 35kg/m2, and elders over 60 years of age.

“The allotted vaccine is equal to 350,000 to 420,000 doses, as a single vial can provide 10-12 jabs,” said the BMA.

“We will prioritise inoculating those who had registered via Mor Prom and Thai Ruam Jai platforms since earlier this month but got delayed. Around 25,000 vials will go to the priority group while the balance 10,000 will be used for the general public.”

The BMA added that hospitals and vaccination units would contact those whose jabs had been delayed about the new date and time once they receive the allotted vaccine.