Foreign-funded political groups should register


The Russian government has accepted as law a bill requiring foreign-funded non-governmental groups involved in political activity to register as foreign agents in Russia - and that would be something for Thais to consider doing also.


There is concern in Russia that some foreign groups or organisations that are not officially funded by foreign governments are in fact being used to manipulate internal politics, and public relations and marketing are good examples to also consider: if a foreign PR/advertising firm in Thailand has big contracts with a foreign government, then it would be very easy to blur the line between officially versus unofficially working for that government.
Who needs foreign PR/advertising people badgering the Thai news media under the guise of working in Thailand while actually doing the bidding of the big client at home.
In today’s increasingly complex world, Thai news media must constantly ask: Just who is working for whom?
Any foreigners in any country seeking to have laws changed should come under some kind of scrutiny, as the public has the right to know who, foreign or domestic, is trying to pull the strings.
Guy Baker