Hysteria, hypocrisy and freedom of speech


While rightly condemning the cold-blooded murder of journalists working for the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and firmly upholding the freedom of the press which is a fundamental part of freedom of expression, one needs to consider the nature o

Does freedom to offend others negate the freedom of others to be offended? Why is it so important to publish offensive material, knowing full well that it is going to offend certain sectors of society? In this respect the attitude of leading American publications in refusing to publish these cartoons should be applauded, while the hysterical fury of those defending freedom of expression contains a good dose of hypocrisy. Why, for example, does France forbid the wearing of the burqa in public places? Surely Muslim women have the right to wear what they want and it is their freedom of expression to wear whatever they want.
Edward Duhigg