MONDAY, April 29, 2024

Asean must stand up to China

Asean must stand up to China

Re: "Asean warns sea reclamation 'may undermine peace", April 28.

That’s like saying, “Tossing a lit match in a room filled with gas-soaked rags could cause a fire.” Come on, Asean, get real. Do what’s right. It’s obvious that China is doing a territory grab. Every country has territorial waters. It’s the same for Senegal and Kiribati as it is for China. Look at the map of the South China Sea. China does not own the islands off the Philippines coast any more than I’m the pope’s mistress. Show some backbone, Asean, and tell China to quit commandeering other countries’ territory.
And, by the way, the headline is wrong: China is not “reclaiming” the shoals off the Filipino coast. To “reclaim” something is to claim it back. China is dredging up sand and pouring it on the shoals, thereby smothering coral and marine organisms. It’s almost finished building a 330-metre runway, big enough for troop-carrying planes. The longer Asean procrastinates about China’s territory grab, the bloodier the inevitable conflict will be.
Ken Albertsen
Chiang Rai