Global politics has become a ‘dupocracy’

FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

The idealistic glorification of democracy is all very well. However, when people are blatantly and continually lied to, conned by demagogues and led to believe in what is not possible, they end up either voting for misrepresented and misunderstood policie

This is not democracy – it’s fraud.
Democracy relies on strict moral principles, but ethics in politics disappeared a long time ago. Anyone today still believing in a textbook definition of democracy (in which the realities of the 21st-century human condition are conveniently overlooked) is either excessively naive or a subliminal anarchist.
Those who advocate democracy and one-sidedly laud its qualities are misleading people through “dupocracy”, and therein lies the root of democracy’s possible demise.
John Shepherd