Taking a serious look at Trump policies


Information revealed in the past six months about Donald Trump is extremely disturbing.

As such I have trouble understanding how sane individuals – some of whom who express their views in this column – can support a person whose behaviour and remarks make him a deficient candidate for US president.
The idiocies uttered by Trump recently are too numerous to repeat, but here’s a small selection. 
1. Economic policy: His promise to grow the economy at about 4 per cent a year for a decade is impossible to realise. First, demographics show not enough people will reach the market to realise his goal. Second, productivity would need to grow at 2.6 per cent per year – which has never been achieved in modern history.
 His plan to levy import duties will diminish the purchasing power of Americans (perhaps by a whopping 60 per cent for lower-income earners), which will automatically translate to less demand. The exporters would inevitably retaliate with import duties on American products, making them more expensive and less competitive. 
2. His tax plan: Cutting corporate tax to allow companies to take on more workers will have limited benefits, since companies already don’t pay the maximum rate (ask Trump).
Reducing income tax will not have a big impact: The rich will get a 10-20 per cent income boost but that won’t bring demand as these people can afford to buy everything they want already. 
The independent Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget calculated the Trump plan will add $5.5 trillion to the deficit, hampering economic growth and perhaps even leading to a recession. 
3. Immigration: Deporting about 12 million people will amputate demand for products, causing the economy to shrink. Immigrants pay more in tax than they receive in social security. Meanwhile, with nearly full employment, Americans couldn’t compensate for the loss of the immigrant workforce, leading inevitably to closure of small businesses. 
4. Lunatic statements and proposals: Building a wall will not stop illegal immigration. The idea that Mexico would pay for the wall is delusional. 
Letting Japan, South Korea and Saudi-Arabia have nuclear weapons would end non-proliferation and make the world far more dangerous. So would introducing torture, abolishing the Geneva Convention and killing innocent family members of terrorists –all Trump pledges. 
“Trump is a fresh breath of air,” commented one contributor to this column. A putrid belch from the sewer would be more accurate. 