Nearly 3,500 vehicles impounded for drunk driving in first three days of Songkran break

SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 2017

Why would a pillion rider face charges? Surely the person in charge of the motorcycle would if found to be drunk.

Does this mean if you are drunk and get a taxi home you can be charged???

Not listening , not learning , not intelligent enough to understand right from wrong, you could say Thailand has quite a few risk takers, and next year they'll do the same again.

Absolutely staggering figure for those charged with drunk driving over only three days.
It is obvious, for whatever reasons, people do not give any thought as to the consequences of drunk driving.
Maybe that has a lot to do with there being no real penalties should they actually be caught.

What happens to all these vehicles and motorbikes that are impounded. What exactly does impounded mean? Do the owners not get them back or what? I sure hope they don't.
I have read so many different things about this.

One can only hope that the 200,000 drunk drivers seized will be punished sufficiently, that they will never ever drink and drive again. Unfortunately, the legal maximum fine is fixed at such a ridiculously low amount, that nobody will care about driving under the influence in future.
Prakhonchai Nick

Many years ago, (I don’t know how long) the British police forces began their annual Christmas and New Year anti drink driving campaigns. These more or less follow a similar pattern to what we are seeing here now. At first they were resented, but gradually the public got the message.
The aim of these campaigns was not primarily to catch drunk drivers, but to deter them in the first place. If a driver knew there was a good chance they might get caught, they were less likely to drink in the first place. And they have been very successful.
Campaigns such as this, coupled with heavy penalties, year long suspensions and a whopping big insurance premium at the end of that suspension, have been the main deterrents that brought drink-driving deaths and injuries down from nearly 31,500 in 1979 to 3,200 in 2014. (deaths in the same period came down from 1,640 to 240)
Note the time scale. It took 35 years. This country has a long way to go, but, at least, they recognise the problem and are making the effort. At least give them some credit for that.