Tomorrow’s top talent today

MONDAY, MAY 29, 2017

Apollo Thirteen, Aomsin and the Boys, and Yooze – winners of the “band hunt” at the recent Melody of Life 10 #Futurista – are “ready for their closeups”, with debut singles recorded and online.

Time in the studio was among the prizes for winning the contest held at CentralWorld and they had the help of Spicy Disc producers and a design squad from Nylon magazine.
Apollo Thirteen has already released the synthesiser-based “Dai Jer” (“Now”), produced by electro-pop musician Cyndi Seui. Inspired by the true love story of one of the members, it’s the first cheerful song they’ve ever written. 
Yooze recorded the alt-rock guitar labyrinth of “Nan Thao Rai” (“Totem”) with the help of Lullaby member Sho Chotinun, who got the vocals down. It’s a warning that falling in love is just asking to get hurt – but everyone’s going to do it anyway.


Tomorrow’s top talent today

Aomsin and the Boys are coming out with “Kham Khor” (“Beggin’ U”), produced by Natapol “Kor” Srichomkwan. Singer Suthinun “Aomsin” Tangtam says it’s about how we always manage to remember all the people who pass through our lives, even after they’ve moved on.
“I wanted to make the song a way of remembering those people. In musical terms, the song’s folk rock with a natural harmony in the acoustic and electric instruments.”
Tune in to the tunes on the Facebook pages “MelodyOfLife.Festival” and “spicydisc.fanpage”.