While economic growth is the global consensus, Paris Accord is meaningless   

MONDAY, JUNE 05, 2017

Re: “The truth is incontrovertible” and “Trump’s grave mistake”, Have Your Say, June 5. 

How anyone of sound mind can defend the indefensible Paris Climate Accord is beyond me. Or is it simply another opportunity for liberal anti-democrats to vilify Trump for doing what he said he was going to do in his election campaign? 
As an exercise in “kicking the tin can down the road”, the Paris Accord has no equal, incorporating no binding targets and voluntary action by participants, and being lopsided to favour China and India and penalise America. By pulling out, Trump has exposed the accord for the sham that it is. In five years’ time, the participants will assemble again to discuss how well they have done.  Don’t hold your breath – it is doomed to fail just as did Kyoto and all its predecessors. 
It should now be quite clear to even the most hardened sceptic that climate change is real – once-in-a century events are now taking place regularly, environmental indicators are found to be deteriorating “faster than predicted”, and we now have the nonsense of an Arctic sea lane becoming a reality. Just last month, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, buried in Norwegian “permafrost”, was flooded by meltwater. So not very “permanent” then. 
Nature is going to run its course because nothing – no Paris or Kyoto Accords – is going to stop it. Why is this? Because of the elephant in the room, economic growth, and it’s mahout, population growth. There is no country in the world, except possibly Bhutan, that is not a slave to growth, and our “growth-ist” leaders will not countenance anything that might threaten it. 
The United Nations predicts that today’s world population of 7.3 billion will increase to 11.2 billion by the end of the century. So why are we fiddling about with sticking-plaster temporary fixes such as wind farms, solar panels and stupid “accords”, and not tackling the root cause? Why? Because the growth-ists won’t contemplate it. 
Our leaders have failed. Nature will do the job for us. And it won’t be pretty. 
Nigel Pike