A new way to slim down that double chin


LAST MONTH, I participated in the 2017 Non-surgical Symposium in Australia, which focuses on the latest technology in dermatology.

And there I learned some good news for all those worried about a double chin – that the latest innovation in this fat-fighting treatment will soon be available in Thailand. 
A non-surgical injectable treatment that breaks up fat cells under the chin, it contains deoxycholic acid, an enzyme that our bodies naturally produce and that helps the body absorb fats. It is used to target fat cells specifically without injury to skin or muscle.
The loss of chin profile with unwanted submental fat might be of particular concern to several people. In the past, the mainstay for elimination of fat under the chin was with surgery like liposuction. Now, the introduction of the active fat dissolver, deoxycholic acid, provides a non-invasive option to those who want to get rid of fat and contour the chin area without surgery. This injection treatment is unique because patients get liposuction like results without significant downtime. 
The use of deoxycholic acid for double chin contouring was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration after two clinical trials with 1,022 adults with moderate or severe submental fat. After patients were randomly assigned to receive pure synthetic deoxycholic acid or a placebo, reductions in the fat below the chin were observed more frequently in those patients who had received deoxycholic acid. Despite the significant reduction in submental fat, skin laxity was improved in most patients as well.
When deoxycholic acid is injected, it destroys the cell membrane of fat cells causing fat cells to die. Reducing the number of fat cells will reduce submental fat. The procedure involves a series of injections, which must be performed by a well-trained dermatologist. There may be some swelling or bruising for the first few days following the injections. For now, the liquid is exclusively injected under the jaw. But there is an attempt to extend the drug usage to other areas of the face such as the cheeks.
The opportunities are endless!

THANISORN THAMLIKITKUL MD is a member of the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery and certified in dermatological laser surgery. Send your questions for her to [email protected]