TUESDAY, April 30, 2024

Laughable apology for Trump and his ‘shitholes’ remark

Laughable apology for Trump and his ‘shitholes’ remark

JC Wilcox’s intellectual constraints and rabid xenophobia are well known in this column, but he gave an offensive reminder to the readership again on Wednesday.

Let’s first take a look at this laughable apology for his favourite abydocomist: “President [sic] Trump is well aware of the [denigrating] situation and his alleged [shithole] expression is nothing more than a colloquial, dictionary term in common use.” Crap, to be blunt. The Oxford dictionary offers the following definition: “An extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant place.” Even an ultra-extremist like Wilcox should be able to connect the meaning to Trump’s irresponsible and vulgar ejaculation. Continuing this trend Collins Dictionary offers us the following: “A very bad place; a disgusting place.” He (Wilcox) refers to this cynical demonising of an entire continent and other developing regions, and their innocent populations, as a “refreshing antidote”. By implication, and as the progeny of hard-working and honest Irish immigrants to the UK, I could be branded as originating from a family of “bog-trotters” or “thick Micks”.
Moreover, Wilcox’s unabashed stupidity even extends to this staggeringly ignorant and grossly ill-considered outburst: “The immigrants are only succeeding in converting their host countries to the standards of the countries from which they’ve escaped.” So, let me get this straight: the immigrants escape a shithole with the express intention of “converting” their host countries into exactly the same type of shithole. In other words, they want the entire developed world to become a shithole too, hence defeating the object of immigration in the first place. Like you do.
Now, the crypto-fascist rantallion Wilcox can go on throwing up his toxic bile here for as long as The Nation’s editorial staff see fit to publish it. I warn him, however, that right-minded, decent folk will be watching and ready to rebuke this fopdoodle for his usual cojones, and that of his clumsy alter-egos.
Dr Frank
