Like all extremists, PETA peddles a bleak vision of life 


Re: “PETA is non-violent by nature”, Have Your Say, April 10.

In view of Eric Bahrt’s penchant for using intemperate language and making false accusations, I will disregard his claims that I “care nothing for animal suffering” and “spit on animals”. I certainly don’t suggest that PETA supports violence and arson, but it has shown some moral equivalence by supporting those who do.
Some of the aims of this organisation are dubious in the extreme. No doubt it does good work in highlighting various issues relating to the mistreatment of animals, but it just goes too far. Pressuring us to adopt a vegetarian diet is bad enough, especially as it also campaigns against consuming milk, so presumably no more ice cream, no more cream buns, for goodness sake. No more pet shops, indeed no more pets, keeping them “captive” apparently causes the pets suffering (try telling that to our pet dog!) so dogs and cats should be left to their own devices in the wild, and just imagine what that would mean. No more contemplative hours spent fishing, no more horse riding, or horse racing, no more zoos, no more Surin Elephant Roundup, which is one of the greatest and most spectacular shows in Thailand, presumably no more specially trained dogs to help with law enforcement or emergency rescue.
It seems to me that this organisation is determined to make life as miserable as possible by denying us many of the things which make life tolerable and enjoyable in this vale of tears. Oh, and by the way, it apparently kills thousands of animals left in its care, so the folks at PETA appear to be hypocrites as well as killjoys.
Robin Grant