Hypocritical views on democracy


Robin Grant (who, except on the issue of animal rights, is generally spot on) notes the hypocrisy of Nigel Pike for complaining about lack of freedom of speech in England – one of the most democratic countries in the world – but never complains about the total lack of democracy in Thailand.

An even better example of a hypocrite is JC Wilcox who is not only a shameless apologist for the junta but once wrote that BBC News should be banned in Thailand. Imagine that! An English thug like Tommy Robinson is entitled to freedom of speech, but not a respected British news station.
About a year ago, Wilcox also praised the US Electoral College because it prevented Hillary Clinton – who got nearly three million more votes than Donald Trump – from becoming president. In other words, Wilcox and Pike believe that democracy is only for fascists!
Eric Bahrt