No bok choy has been found to have a brain


Re: “Life is a chain of sacrifice – to survive we must destroy,” Have Your Say, December 28 

Michael Setter makes some very strange statements. He claims plants are sentient, yet no reputable study has ever shown that plants feel pain – they do not have a nervous system or brain. The word “sentient”, as defined by the dictionary, means the power of perception by the senses characterised by sensation and consciousness to think and feel. 
I challenge Mr Setter to watch two documentaries, both available on the Internet, and then speak of conscious awareness, which I believe only comes when people are willing to face the truth about what they place on their forks.
The first is “Lucent”, the inside story of pig farming in Australia, produced by Aussie Farms. The second is “Peaceable Kingdom”, about a former dairy farmer. If you are still not convinced, I suggest you take on “Dominion”. They will change your life and outlook for the better.
Diane Cornelius