Yes, meat-eaters can also be sensitive to animals’ suffering

SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2019

K says that people who condemn elephant riding are hypocrites because they eat meat (From Facebook, June 21). Apparently he is unaware that some of the most outspoken critics of elephant riding are vegans. But what about meat-eaters who condemn elephant riding? Are they hypocrites?

There is an old saying that, just because someone who says you shouldn’t break people’s legs is happy to break people’s arms, doesn’t mean he’s wrong to say we shouldn’t break people’s legs. In other words, what’s important is the validity of the argument, not the integrity of the person who is making it.
My guess is that K probably isn’t doing anything to help farm animals or elephants and is just making excuses for doing nothing.
Eric Bahrt
Chiang Mai