Blacktip reef shark found dead in bag at Maya Bay


National park officers are investigating following the death of a blacktip reef shark found in a bag at Maya Bay, on Koh Phi Phi Ley.

A foreign dive instructor at Phi Phi Island posted a picture of a blacktip reef shark dead inside a bag in a ‘Phi Phi Island news informs’ LINE group, with a message reading “a shark has [been] found dead in a bag at Maya Bay”.
Worapot Lomlim, chief of Hat Noppharat Thara-Mu Koh Phi Phi National Park, said on Monday: “We have been notified about this. I have ordered officers to investigate to see if the shark was caught or if it became stuck inside the bag by itself. A lot of blacktip reef sharks have been found in Maya Bay during the ongoing closure of the area.”
Marine biologist Dr Thon Thamrongnawasawat said Maya Bay was now starting to recover, as many Blacktip reef sharks had been found frolicking around the shoreline of the beach area inside the bay.
