Cabinet approves new labour law ensuring occupational safety


According to a new law approved by the Cabinet on Tuesday (October 29), employers are required to arrange for their employees’ health check-up and provide medical records for each employee from the time of employment.

Somboon Trisrilanun, deputy director of the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, said the law will set new standards for occupational safety and health. The key requirement of this law is that employers arrange for health check-ups for employees hired for risky jobs within 30 days after employment. The employee will also be required to undergo a health check-up at least once a year.
In case an employee is absent from work for three days due to accident or illness, the employer is required to seek a doctor’s report or have the employee undergo a health check-up. Employers are also required to be financially responsible for the check-ups.
The law also requires employers to provide personal health records for each employee. If records show that the employee’s health is at risk, the employer must inform the authorities within three days.
Employers are also required by law to reconsider their employee’s duties if the employee can provide medical proof that he or she cannot perform their current job.
He said details on changing employees’ position will be revealed in the Royal Gazette in future.