Five teachers fired in Mukdahan over alleged rape of girl, 14

SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2020

The Mukdahan Provincial Education Office has dismissed five teachers accused of raping a 14-year-old student and set up a committee to investigate the cases.

Education Minister Nataphol Teepsuwan has now acknowledged the situation which he considered to be plausible and ordered educational officials to take care of the student.
He also expressed his concern for the mental health of the girl and her family.
Chana Summat, director Obec-Student Protection and Rescue Centre, said that the teachers had not yet been found guilty but they had been dismissed according to the procedure.
The centre will also investigate the director of the school since he neglected the crime that happened under his supervision.
A psychologist had a conversation with the victim and believed that she had spoken the truth.
She is now under the protection of her family, and a foster home in Mukdahan will take of her during the trial.