Business told to use private clouds to minimise losses 


As the world of technological advancements continues to evolve, more and more businesses are uprooting their operations from traditional customer owned computer systems to public clouds.

There they can store their servers and data off-site in a public domain that can be accessed by users through the internet. 
Public clouds are computer services offered on the public internet by third-party providers to be sold on demand or offered for free in some cases. These services come in a one-size-fits-all model and are easily accessible to anyone who wishes to purchase them. The alternative private clouds require higher investment and management as well as hardware and application infrastructure maintenance, but in exchange provide higher security and, of course, fewer risks. 
At first glance, public clouds appear to be the more affordable and accessible alternative to the more complex and expensive private cloud. However, after factoring in the potential risks and damages, investing in private clouds could help minimise security concerns and possible cloud outages that can easily cost more in damages in the long run. 
In view of these disconcerting security risks, businesses should consider adopting private cloud backup solutions such as Network Attached Storage (NAS), which provides file sync services, a collaboration suite, a corporate communication app, mail services, and high availability services, thus simultaneously helping businesses to minimise the risks and losses caused by public cloud services anomalies.
“The threshold of deploying public cloud services may be lower, but once the public cloud services are abnormal, the losses caused by services disruption will be considerably higher,” Chad Chiang, Synology product manager, said. “In this case, businesses are strongly suggested to establish a private cloud system in order to ensure maximum service uptime and master-data autonomy.” 
Backing up your software-as-a-service (SaaS) data is not only what you should do, but what you must do. New technologies come with new risks, but there’s no excuse for being unprepared. Get yourself prepared so that when a disaster strikes, you can ride out the storm unscathed. 

Synology at a glance
Synology creates network attached storage, IP surveillance solutions, and network equipment that transform the way users manage data, conduct surveillance and manage the network in the cloud era. By taking full advantage of the latest technologies, Synology aims to help users centralise data storage and backup, share files on-the-go, implement professional surveillance solutions and manage network in reliable and affordable ways. 

Chad Chiang is the Synology product manager.