Thai durian still king in China as hunger for Thailand's fruit keeps rising

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2023

Sales of Thai fruits in the Chinese market continue to thrive, with durian, mangosteen, and longan highly sought-after.

In China’s eastern Shandong province alone, wholesale fruit importers have generated 138 million baht in revenue, and supermarkets have announced plans to order fruit worth an additional 190 million baht this year, according to Thailand's Department of International Trade Promotion.

Phusit Ratanakul Sereroengrit, the DITP’s director-general, said demand for Thai fruits in international markets is still high, particularly among Chinese consumers who have a strong preference for Thai produce. To capitalise on the demand, the DITP has instructed commercial attaches overseas to explore opportunities for exporting Thai products to their respective markets.

The DITP also hailed the success of its latest push to promote Thai produce in China, the "Qingdao Thai Fruits Golden Months 2023" campaign.

The collaboration with Leader Group, a local mid-to-high-end supermarket chain with branches in Qingdao and wider Shandong province, stimulated increased consumption among Chinese customers, it said. The event garnered an overwhelmingly positive response, with durian, mangosteen, and longan emerging as the best-selling Thai fruits in Leader Group’s four branches.

Thai durian still king in China as hunger for Thailand\'s fruit keeps rising

Despite also selling durians from other countries, Chinese importers and supermarkets consistently highlight the strong performance and high desirability of Thai durians in the market, the DITP said. This year, Thai durians have boasted improved quality on previous years, with an accessible price range ensuring they reach a larger consumer base. Importers have already achieved wholesale sales worth 138 million baht, and Leader Group expects to make Thai fruit orders totalling 190 million baht in the remainder of the year.