AOT to develop Suvarnabhumi into the nation's first "Green" airport prototype

THURSDAY, MAY 04, 2023

The Airports of Thailand Plc's Chief Executive Officer Kirati Kitmanawat says that AOT has a 4-year plan to turn Suvarnabhumi Airport into the first environmentally friendly, or "Green" airport in Thailand. The goal is to develop renewable energy for use within the airport to reduce electricity costs by an average of 20-30 per cent per year.

AOT has already installed solar panels on the roof of the main terminal and will be adding further photovoltaic power to support a renewable energy system that can help reduce electricity costs even more, similar to other major airports overseas which have shifted to solar panels to generate power.

In the initial stage, AOT will discuss the projects with its existing partner, District Cooling System and Power Plant Co., Ltd. (DCAP), a joint venture between the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), PTT Plc and the Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), Kirati said.

AOT has inspected areas where additional solar panels could be installed, such as areas beside runways, ponds, and catchment areas around Suvarnabhumi, and found that there was adequate space to generate electricity for use within the terminals, Kirati added.

AOT plans to fully rely on electricity produced by solar panels and renewable energy to run the airport in about 4 years. Five other airports under AOT's supervision will undergo a shift towards solar power and renewable energy systems once the prototype project at Suvarnabhumi Airport proves to be a success, Kirati said.

Apart from developing a renewable energy system, AOT also plans to shift the vehicles used within the airport to electric vehicles when the current vehicle rental contract expires and will urge public transportation vehicles providing services at the airport to use electric vehicles, Kirati added.