Police seek arrest warrant for new associate of ‘cyanide Am’

SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2023

Investigators have uncovered another associate of suspected cyanide killer Sararat “Am” Rangsiwuthaporn and will seek an arrest warrant for the person on Monday.

Deputy National Police chief Pol General Surachet “Big Joke” Hakparn said on Saturday that an unidentified person was allegedly involved in destroying the evidence related to the murder of Siriporn “Koy” Khanwong.

“Investigators will ask the Nakhon Pathom Provincial Court to issue an arrest warrant for a close associate of Sararat for allegedly destroying evidence related to Siriporn’s murder on Monday,” he said.

He added that Sararat is free to file lawsuits against victims’ families and police investigators as she has threatened, though it is up to the court to decide if it wants to accept the lawsuits. Sararat has said she will sue police investigators for pushing to get her unfairly punished.

Surachat said all cases related to the alleged cyanide killer will be handled transparently, and no moves will be made to “punish” the suspect.

Police seek arrest warrant for new associate of ‘cyanide Am’

Sararat was arrested by police on April 25 in Bangkok over alleged links to the cyanide poisoning of at least 14 victims. Sararat apparently knew the victims well and they had either loaned her money or invested money through her in various questionable schemes.

The case came to light after the death of Siriporn, who was reported to have travelled to Ratchaburi’s Ban Pong district to release fish into the Mae Klong River with the suspect in a merit-making ritual.

She collapsed at the pier and her body was sent to the Police General Hospital’s Institute of Forensic Medicine for an autopsy, which confirmed the presence of cyanide.