Bangkokians get ready! The sun will shine directly overhead at 12.16pm on April 26


Yala’s Betong district was the first location in Thailand to witness the celestial phenomenon of a solar zenith this year, the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) said.

The institute announced both on its Facebook page and its website that the phenomenon took place at 12.19pm in Betong.

A solar zenith occurs when the sun is directly overhead, at an angle of 90 degrees above the horizon. This phenomenon can only occur in locations between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn that span 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator, respectively.

This event typically happens twice a year at specific locations within the tropics, when the sun is directly overhead and casts the least shadows.

Bangkokians get ready! The sun will shine directly overhead at 12.16pm on April 26

NARIT said the solar zenith happens in Thailand twice a year, between April and May, and between July and September.

This year’s solar zenith will occur on different days in different parts of Thailand, namely:

• Krabi: April 10 at 12.26pm

• Phang Nga: April 11 at 12.27pm

• Rayong: April 23 at 12.13pm

• Bangkok: April 26 at 12.16pm

• Kanchanaburi: April 27 at 12.19pm

• Prachinburi: April 27 at 12.12pm

• Ayutthaya: April 28 at 12.15pm

• Si Sa Ket: May 1 at noon

• Loei: May 9 at 12.10pm

• Chiang Rai: May 19 at 12.17pm

NARIT explained that having the sun directly overhead does not mean it will be extremely hot because other factors, like rain and clouds, can reduce the temperature.

Bangkokians get ready! The sun will shine directly overhead at 12.16pm on April 26