Deputy House speaker in trouble for treating Parliament housekeepers to a feast


In response to allegations that Deputy House Speaker Padipat Suntiphada misused parliamentary funds, Move Forward MP Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn demanded details of how previous House speakers had used their budgets.

Padipat, who is also a Move Forward MP, came under fire for spending about 90,000 baht of government funds to treat some 370 housekeeping staff in Parliament to a Thai barbecue buffet. The “moo-ga-ta” feast was organised last Friday.

After the event, serial complainer Srisuwan Janya and other critics began complaining that this action constitutes a conflict of interest and breaches political etiquette. 

Padipat argued that the money he had used came from funds set out for House speakers to welcome guests.

He said the housekeeping staff, who were often overlooked, were his guests and he had invited them to express his gratitude and to listen to their problems.

Wiroj, meanwhile, said on Sunday that the meal was meant to just discuss issues among staff members and that was not abnormal.

He also demanded to know how much of this budget had been spent by previous governments, especially by the National Legislative Assembly set up after the 2014 coup.

Wiroj added that normally this budget is used for political purposes and to buy luxury meals for high-ranking officials and politicians.

“Aren’t housekeeping staff deserving enough to be the House speakers’ guests? They are grassroots-level workers and they are usually ignored,” he said.

He added that the public will be shocked once actual numbers of how much other House speakers spent are revealed.