‘Last chance’ to invest in govt savings bonds


Thai nationals who want to invest in government savings bonds this year should do so when the last batch of Bt3 billion is made available on September 11, says Patricia Mongkonvanit , chief of the Public Debt Management Office.

The Finance Ministry will offer the bonds at four and seven years maturity. Four-year bonds worth a total Bt500 million will be offered with an annual coupon rate of 1.7 per cent. Purchase is limited to Bt5 million per investor.
Seven-year bonds worth Bt2.5 billion will be offered with an annual coupon rate of 2.22 per cent and no upper limit on purchase
The bonds are being issued through Krungthai Bank, Bangkok Bank, Kasikornbank and SCB.
The Finance Ministry is issuing a total Bt50 billion in savings bonds this year.