Cop runs 20km to thank spirit-sleuth

TUESDAY, JULY 09, 2013

A Kanchanaburi policeman who said spiritual guidance had helped him solve a case, delivered on his vow to run 20 kilometres to pay thanks at a temple yesterday.

Pol Sub Lieutenant Puree Teanprapakul, a detective at Tha Rua Police Station, yesterday revealed that he had prayed to Luang Phor Dam of Wat Takram-aen, seeking guidance for his team’s efforts to track down the person who hurled a stone at a moving pickup on June 8, seriously injuring a first-year university student who was a passenger.
In return, he vowed he would run from his police flat to the temple.  
The suspected stone-thrower, Wichai Pukheng, was arrested on July 5.
“The whole team should get the credit for the arrest,” Puree said, “My votive run was just about my personal belief”.
Puree started off on his run from his flat at 6am. He reached the temple three hours and 10 minutes later, after being cheered on along the 20km route by his wife and children and neighbours.