Two families bond over stolen child


TWO FAMILIES at the centre of a baby-snatching case have agreed to forge ties for the best interests of the stolen girl.

“It’s good that so many people love my great-granddaughter. She has united two families now,” the girl’s biological great-grandfather said at a press conference yesterday.
The girl was born at a hospital in Khon Kaen province, but two days later she was stolen by another woman, who then returned to her family in Chaiyaphum province claiming the baby was hers.
Her parents-in-law were delighted at getting a “granddaughter” and began showering the child with love and care.
However, when it was time to get the girl enrolled in school, her so-called mother could not produce a birth certificate, which led to the crime being exposed.
Officials then talked to both families in a bid to ensure as little as possible emotional impact on the four-year-old girl.
After talks between both sides, the biological relatives have agreed to let the girl live with her Chaiyaphum-based family until she develops solid ties with her blood relatives.
“We will travel there often so that she gets familiar with us,” the girl’s biological great-grandfather said.
A source added that the biological parents might allow the other family to legally adopt the girl so both families can help take care of her together.
The man who helped raise the child over the past four years said that, even though he had found out that she is not his real granddaughter, he still loved her.
“I think I love her even more now,” he said with tears in his eyes.

Two families bond over stolen child